Astrology Readings
Sale Price:£55.00 Original Price:£88.00
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*Within 24h after booking, you’ll be contacted to schedule the reading. You can choose between either a live Zoom session or in-person in Ubud, Bali.
Currently on Central Indonesia Time (GMT+8), and I always try to be as flexible as possible with the timings.

The natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment when you took your first breath. That is your cosmic blueprint.
It is a map to your personality, gifts, talents, vocation, challenges as well as the ancestral wounds, karmic debts and spiritual gifts.

It is a map to your own hero’s journey.

These sessions are not predictive but rather conversations to help empower you to align with your soul’s deepest desire.

My signature Life Path & Evolution reading is very intuitive depending on your chart, although a great focus is placed on the soul’s evolution by working with Pluto, the Moon and the Lunar Nodes.
The Purpose & Career reading is focused mostly on the Midheaven and the subconscious blockages that hold you stuck.
The Current Season of Life is a shorter reading focused primarily on the current year of your life through the lenses of your progressed chart and the annual profection.

What are your strengths.
What are your subconscious fears.
What are the wounds you came here to heal.
The lessons you came here to learn.
The shadows that you came here to illuminate and what gifts do they hold within.
What are you called to share with the world.
How are you called to share that message.
What are the themes and the cycles that you navigate at the moment.

Each reading is intended to help you transform your life by fostering radical self-acceptance, self-trust and self-empowerment - all of these being challenges I have faced personally throughout all my life.

These readings invite you to contemplate.
To open up.
To be honest with yourself.
To see what activates within you.
To fall in love with yourself.


These readings are for your if…

  • you are curious about you soul’s journey and what are you called to actualise in this lifetime

  • you would like to explore your blueprint and learn what are your strengths, weaknesses and important life lessons

  • you seek clarity, guidance, support or awareness in any area of your life

  • you are going through hardships and need support to navigate them with more ease and flow

  • you want to explore what are the invitations behind certain thresholds in your life (Saturn return, Solar return, Full/New Moon, big life shifts)

  • you want to be able to fully harvest the current season of your life

  • you want to communicate, share, and attract people based on your energetic blueprint so that everything flows more gracefully

  • you want to discover your most aligned career based on your soul’s blueprint