Man walking on the beach with the waves in the back


Ever since I was little I’ve been obsessed with the vastness of space, the planets, the stars, and those faraway worlds. I’ve also been drawn by the mystical, the unknown, the liminal space. By dreams.
Fascinated by shamanic rituals, astral travels and explorations of the latent spaces of consciousness.

But it wasn’t until my early 30s that I had my first experience.
Before then I’ve been living in a narrative conditioned by my upbringing and struggled a lot with depression, anxiety, shame, and a sense of unworthiness. I’ve had a lot of beautiful experiences but somehow I didn’t feel I am living up to my fullness or that I am able to actually create a more fulfilling life.

This also manifested in coping mechanisms such as people pleasing, perfectionism, distraction, constant comparison, etc.

Image of friends looking at the sunset

It was when I sat in my first Ayahuasca session deep in the Amazon jungle that my life started to take a different turn. That is when I saw beyond the veil, faced death and I knew that nothing will ever be the same.
After that it’s been a few years of complete dedication through daily practices, meeting incredible people, exploring different spaces of consciousness, psychoanalysis, a kundalini awakening, and a lot of healing and remembering that has shifted my relationship with myself and by extension my whole life.

Since then I feel every day is a blessing.
With every breath, I breathe in Spirit and I breathe out my intent. 
What I’ve learned is not to seek answers to the problems anymore but rather to fall in love with the challenges and instead seek the truth that lies beyond the illusion.
We are not given this body, this vehicle, to suffer. We are given this vehicle to be a creator. And in order to create we must accept and adopt the consciousness of that world we want to create. 

Every day is a choice of love over fear.

Why Tarot & Astrology?

Tarot cards on a table
Astro chart

I love working with the Tarot because I believe it helps us ask the right questions in order to come back to our own truth and discover our innate wisdom.
The birth chart on the other hand is our cosmic blueprint - it is basically a map to becoming the highest expression of ourselves. You can find anything within this blueprint - strengths, weaknesses, gifts, challenges, karma, evolutionary path, ways to communicate, ways to relate to others, hidden desires, etc.

Being aware of my cosmic blueprint and working with the Tarot archetypes has empowered me to be able to align to my highest purpose and also take action towards it. In has helped me to be a creator of my life.

I feel so passionate about sharing these practices that have impacted me so much.

The cards are medicine for right now.
Your chart is a map to your highest expression.

Here are a few ways in which my readings are able to help you:

  • develop and trust your intuition

  • help you feel more magnetic by working in alignment with your design

  • understand who you are at a deeper level and what you came here to actualise

  • discover your karmic journey in this life

  • heal your relationship with your inner child

  • release tendencies of self-sabotage

  • release narratives built on limiting beliefs

  • unearth your unconscious patterns and why you attract certain people

In my travels I’ve met so many amazing, powerful, ambitious people that are stuck in a loop because they want to change their life by rearranging things on the outside.

They turn towards the outside world to give them the sense of freedom.
Feeling accepted. Worthy. Less lonely. Loved.

But the world is a reflection of our inner landscape. It start from within.
And this is what’s scary for most. The inner work.
And I feel this is where a tool like the Tarot is so useful, by being a projection holder.

It is a tool to help externalise and work with those inner parts of yourself. Like a mirror. A mirror of your psyche.

A tool that works with you in a gentle way. In a way that is supportive. Non-judgemental. Caring. Loving.

It helps you to see how you can allow a little bit more love in.

And as you pour more love onto those parts of yourself that you deemed unlovable, onto those parts that want to be acknowledged and seen, magic starts to happen.
And the outside world reflects that.
That magic permeates every aspect of your life.
Your health, relationships, business - everything is an expression of that inner reality.

Tarot is this invitation to choose love over fear at each step of the way.

When it comes to the Tarot, my mission is to bring the ancient wisdom of these archetypes and make it accessible, comprehensible and grounded in gentle, clear and effective ways to support you in your journey through practical steps, anchors and insightful invitations.

It is time to reclaim your magic and imbue it in every aspect of your life.

It is time to become a Creator.

Astro chart with text Your Purpose, Your shadow, Your gifts, Your medicine, You.

Becoming aware of my cosmic blueprint through Astrology and later Gene Keys and Human Design, it has helped me to fall in love with myself. It has helped me to find where I was playing small, where I was trying to swim against the tide, and where I was falling short of love for myself.
It has also validated all my experiences and help me become conscious of know I truly am and what my mission in this life is.

And so starting to work, function and live in alignment with my blueprint and my design has started to call in miracles and synchronicities and my life started to become more magical.
Opportunities opened.
People I resonate with came into my life.
All because I am ready to receive what is in alignment for me.

And so this is what I want to offer you. I want to tell you who you are and why you do what you do. And then help you navigate the breakthroughs that you are meant to experience in this lifetime.

We find meaning in stories and what Astrology does - it tells the story of you.