Journey Back to the Heart - Tarot & Astrology

Remember who you are.
Understand and love yourself.
Discover your deepest soul desire.
Open your heart.
Actualise your potential.


Freedom To Be Yourself

Your purpose. Your shadow. Your. gifts. Your voice. Your medicine. Your story. You.

There's no greater feeling in the world than the bliss that comes from the freedom to really be yourself and be seen, appreciated and loved for who you are. This is what I am passionate about - helping people on their journey back to their Heart! So I am on a mission to help you...

  • find the freedom to do the things that you love.

  • remember who you truly are and what you came here to actualise.

  • understand the blockages that hold you back from prosperity.

  • shift into a relationship of self-trust, self-acceptance and self-love.

  • trust your intuition and release any fears and unease.

  • enjoy this experience of being human.

Do you want to feel more magnetic?
Do you desire to understand yourself at a deeper level?
Are you curious about your karmic journey in life?
Do you want to bring to awareness your unconscious blockages?
Do you want to foster self-trust, acceptance and empowerment?

Portrait of Andrei

Tarot & Astrology have helped me find the song of my soul and to start trusting myself.

Hi, I’m Andrei

I am an Aquarius Sun, Pisces Rising, Cancer Moon, with a North Node in Pisces and a 4/6 Sacral Generator. My life’s work is Gene Key 19 and my vocation Gene Key 57.

I am deeply passionate about mysticism, depth psychology, visual arts and decoding the human experience.

I’m also a crystal healer, spiritual mentor and full-time nomad.

From a young age I’ve been fascinated by the deep existential questions and felt a desire to find my answers, outside of what I’ve been told to believe.
Until about 5 years ago, I’ve been living in a narrative conditioned by my upbringing and struggled a lot with depression, anxiety, shame, and a sense of unworthiness.

Since then, following a massive spiritual awakening, I’ve been working on the relationship with myself every single day through various practices.
Now, every day is a blessing. I couldn’t be more grateful. And this set me on a mission to help people find freedom and unlock their own magic.
I want to help you find your own truth by sharing the tools that have helped me.

I believe we are not given this body, this vehicle, to suffer. We are given this vehicle to be a creator.
So, I want to help you become a creator and redefine the relationship you have with yourself.

You see, everything in your life - relationships, health, business, are direct expressions of your relationship with yourself - your inner landscape.

My Approach

My sessions offer a unique blend of psychological insight, spiritual wisdom and practical guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges and unlock your full potential.

Both my Tarot & Astrology readings are non-predictive, non-judgemental, heart-centered and grounded in the present moment.

Love from Others

Book cover

Get my FREE Tarot Contemplations & Journaling book.

I find that journaling and contemplation are really good practices to go into a deeper conversation with the archetypes of the cards.
And so I wrote this ebook as an invitation into this beautiful practice.

There are 234 prompts (3 for each card in the deck) that you can use.